Our goal with the We Grow Dreams Aquaponic Food Production System is to expand upon the services and products provided by Team Members as part of the day to day facility operations. A pilot aquaponic operation that provides Team Members with additional training in an environment similar to their prior duties. The aquaponic operation and sales of fish and plants provides the added benefit of educating Team Members in agriculture, science, math and business.
Aquaponics combines proven technologies from hydroponics and aquaculture into a symbiotic system where the sum is greater than the individual parts. This pilot project incorporates green technologies to minimize fossil fuel energy and to maximize food production. In conjunction with the proposed aquaponic farm, the Wolf Pack proposed development of an onsite vermiculture facility which would further enhance the aquaponic farm operation while minimizing the need for purchased fish feed and providing onsite recycling of organic waste.
Contact Us:
Mailing address:
Wolf Pack Consulting, LLC
418 South Cass Avenue
Westmont, Illinois 60559
Office phone:
(630) 964-3117
(815) 436-8520